“This book it chalketh out before thine eyes The man that seeks the everlasting prize; It shews you whence he comes, whither he goes; What he leaves undone, also what he does; It also shews you how he runs and runs, Till he unto the gate of glory comes.”
― John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress
The Frontrunner is a love story set in the pain-filled world of distance running.
It is about the love of a single father for his son.
The love of a twin for his best self, embodied in his brother.
The love of a runner for his leg, lost in a war.
The love of mothers for their boys, and what happens when that conflicts with the mother’s dreams.
The love of a runner for his coach, and the blind faith both place in each other.
And, a boy who only becomes a man when he learns to love himself.
“I am telling my running buddies about this book.” –Bill Rodgers, Olympian, Four time winner Boston and NYC Marathons